🚀How do Integrations Work with Teams?
How do Integrations Work with Teams? elink's advanced integrations are shared integrations with all members of the team who have access to elink. This enables anyone from the team to send content to the company Mailchimp account or the company Zapier account. The other integrations like login via Gmail or Facebook or Design with Canva are personal integrations.Few readers🚀How do I Integrate with Mailchimp?
How do I Integrate with Mailchimp? Open up elink and click on your profile icon on the right of the top bar. Choose 'Settings' from the dropdown. Next, click on 'Integrations' here you'll see options to connect your Mailchimp account. (https://storFew readers🚀How do I Integrate with Zapier?
Open up elink and click on your profile icon on the right of the top bar. Choose 'Settings' from the dropdown. Next, click on 'Integrations' here you'll see options to connect your Zapier account. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/99b8fcf011a1Few readers