🖥How to use elink Browser Extension on Brave Browser?
How to use elink Chrome Extension on Your Brave Browser?
Chrome Extension allows you to save links directly to your bookmark library. You can also add these links into your posts, regardless of whether it is in a published or draft state.
Step 1: Download elink's Browser Extension
To download elink's Browser Extension, open your Brave Browser.

Open this link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/elink-save-bookmarks-and/ancooclifmcdfafbgjmgpmcembfaknka?hl=en)

Click on Add to Brave.

A popup will appear asking for permission and click on Add Extension.

Once downloaded, you'll see a page from elink.io that briefly describes how you can use elink's Browser Extension. Make sure to read through it and you're ready to go!

Step 2: Making changes in your Brave Browser to save links hassle-free.
In order to start saving web link from elink Browser Extension, you first need to make some changes in the setting of your Brave browser:
Open any website, article or digital resource on the browser you want to save.

Click on the 3 lines at the top right corner to open browser settings.

Once you open the settings, click on the Shields section on the side menu.

Here you need to enable the Cross-site trackers setting and change cookie setting to Allow all cookies

Once enabled, go back to the website, article or digital resource you want to save.

Click on the elink icon in your Brave browser to save the link of your content.

🎙 If you have any questions or suggestions, please message us on our in-app chat or email us.
Updated on: 02/23/2022
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